Monday, December 20, 2010

Our Toxic World Plays A Part In The Autism Puzzle

As children we believe we are indestructible, nothing bad can happen to us. Some carry that fictional belief in to adulthood.  We hear of people getting ill, cancer, heart attacks, Alzheimer's, AUTISM, learning disabilities, ADHD ect and these aliments we hear of are becoming more frequent... As much as we would like to believe these things only happen to others, we must face the facts... we are not indestructible.  We are products of our environment, what we eat and genetics. 

Look at some of the things we expose ourselves to......................

Aluminum –  can be found in vaccines, antiperspirant, water, toothpaste, pans, aluminum foil, lined juice  such as Capri Sun. It has a tendency to accumulate in the brain and bones.  It is considerably less toxic than mercury, arsenic, lead or cadmium, but it is much more common in our environment, it also appears to be more persistent than most of the other metallic poisons. The danger is one that only manifests itself over long periods of time. It is therefore prudent to avoid consumption. Avoidance is currently the best way of protecting you and your family from the serious, long term damage that can result from ingestion. Pregnant and lactating women, the young and the elderly are at risk.
Bisphenol A – Toxic plastic chemicals that are found in canned foods. This link can provide you more info

BPA-  plastic in the lining of food and drink cans  are harmful if they are lined with a BPA . Beverages appear to contain less BPA, canned pasta and soups contain the highest levels. All U.S. manufacturers of infant formula use BPA-based lining on the metal portions of the formula containers. Try to avoid #7 plastics. Plastics with the recycling labels #1, #2 and #4 on the bottom do not contain BPA. Find baby bottles in glass versions, or those made from the safer plastics including polyamine, polypropylene and polyethylene.

Excitotoxins – this could cause brain damage in children, adolescents and adults. They could affect the development of a child's nervous system (resulting in learning and emotional difficulties) excitotoxins such as cysteine can easily pass through a mother to her child, and damage the developing brain of the baby. Excitotoxins include MSG, Aspartame and all other sugar substitutes, aspartate, Cysteine, cysteic acid.

MSG - is a chemical additive commonly used by the food industry as a “flavor enhancer”.  Some of the Monosodium Glutamate side effects on body include: Rashes, itching, burning, numbness, migraines, headaches, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, heart palpitations, heart arrhythmia, anxiety, irritability, restlessness & sleep disturbances.

Fluoride – Fluoride is a neurotoxin and should not be consumed by children. It can affect thyroid disease, bone disease and arthritis. In the scale of toxicity, fluorides fall between arsenic and lead.

Lead – Is toxic to many organs and tissues including the heart, bone, intestines, kidneys,  reproductive and nervous systems. It interferes with the development of the nervous system and is therefore particularly toxic to children, causing potentially permanent learning and behavior disorders. Symptoms include abdominal pain, headache, anemia, irritability, and in severe cases in seizures, coma, and death. Lead can be found in old painted toys and furniture, food and liquids, stored in lead crystal or lead-glazed pottery or porcelain, pottery or stained glass, or refinishing furniture, remedies that contain lead, such as "greta" and "azarcon" these are used to treat an upset stomach.

Mercury- is in High Fructose Corn Syrup! (HFCS) is found in sweetened beverages, sodas, breads, cereals, breakfast bars, lunch meats, yogurts, soups and condiments. More item that contain mercury are fish,  & filling for your teeth

Mercury- (in vaccines)  the CDC states there is still mercury (thimerosal) some flu shots. It is also still present in most adult vaccines.

Mold – Mold can cause asthma, allergies, and chronic illnesses. Mold can be found in warm moist places... even in your home!

Nitrates - Foods containing nitrates or nitrites are preserved meats, bacon, ham, hot dogs and pickles. This link provides great info

PBDEs - polybrominated diphenyl ethers are fire retardant chemicals, pajamas, furniture, sofas, tv's and computers.

Pesticides- Certain cancers are believed to be health effects of pesticide exposure, other health problems that are believe to be linked to pesticides are brain and nerve damage, developmental problems, and hormone interference. People who have pesticide related problems often suffer from effects of pesticide exposure that occurred through the ingestion of food, exposure to airborne particles both in buildings and outdoors, and through contaminated soil or water.

Sodium lauryl sulfate - an inactive ingredient in toothpaste, shampoos, skin care and bubble baths. Allergies and outbreak of canker sores are common with this ingredient.

Sunscreen – harmful ingredients are Oxybenzone (Benzophenone-3), Micronized Titanium Dioxide, Nano Titanium Dioxide, Nano Zinc Oxide.

Teflon in carpets, clothes and pots and pans, no nonstick or aluminum pans, glass, cast iron or stainless only.  Teflon is manufactured using a perfluorinated compound called perfluoroctanoic acid (PFOA) or C-8. Perfluorinated compounds don’t break down in the environment and can stay in the human body for several years.

Tylenol (acetaminophen) - Tylenol shuts down the detoxification pathways in the liver, which rids the body of metals and poisons. It lowers natural antioxidants in the body.

Let's face facts, we can't put ourselves in a bubble but we can limit some of the things that may affect our over all health..... 

How this plays a role in autism......

 Evidence indicates that most children with autism have trouble with ......
* Digestion: Children with autism tend to have more problems with digestion, including food sensitivity – particularly to wheat and dairy products. In addition, they tend to have yeast (candida) infection in their intestines. As a result of these digestion problems, autistic children tend to have more allergies as well as sleep problems. But please note that your child doesn't need to fall within the autism spectrum to have high levels of yeast or sleep problems.
* Toxic heavy metals: testing of the hair, urine and excrement of children with autism often reveal significantly higher levels of toxic heavy metals like lead, arsenic and particularly mercury. Mercury exposure could arise from vaccinations (that use mercury as a preservative "thimerosal". Children with autism are known to have higher levels of toxic derivatives stored in their bodies due to an inability to detoxify.
Antibiotics: antibiotics can cause gut problems, such as yeast / bacterial over growth, as well as prevent mercury excretion. They remove the good and bad bacteria.
* Minerals: Children with autism tend to be deficient in minerals such as sulfur, zinc, magnesium, iodine, lithium and potassium.
* Pesticides: Environmental toxins and other unknown environmental factors are also believed to contribute to autism and other behavioral problems like ADHD.
* PST (phenol sulfur-transferase) ASD children have proven issues and chlorine can increased behavioral problems. Treatment options include rinsing off immediately after getting out of the pool, or Epsom salts baths. The best way to avoid chlorine is to swim in the ocean. If you have a pool, make it a salt water pool, or use a non-chlorine treatment like Bacquacil.

Some precautions we can take......


  • Avoid Tylenol 
  • Do not get vaccinated for anything during pregnancy
  • Find a doctor willing to stretch out vaccines.
  • Do your research, find out which vaccines are worse than the diseases and when the diseases are most likely to cause damage and how long the vaccines last (Hepatitus B should not be given until just prior to sexual behavior, mumps causes sterility in boys if they get it after puberty, vaccines only last 10 years.

Infants & Children
  • Avoid all  diet or sugar free products
  • Avoid over usage of antibiotics
  • If  antibiotics are necessary be sure to follow up with Probiotics. Antibiotics kill harmful bacteria in our bodies but they also kill the good bacteria. Probiotics can be found in foods such as yogurt or can be given as a supplement.  
  • Never get any vaccine within 2 weeks of ANY illness, including a runny nose
  • Separate vaccines as much as you can between doses
  • Prescreen for allergies/sensitivities to ingredients in the vaccines (eggs, etc)