Thursday, December 9, 2010

Not every day is a good day.......

This all seems to be a daily yo-yo effect. Some days I am blown away by the process other days it seems like we regress back. The vitamins have made such a difference, but it has also been a challenge trying to get her to consume them..... and there are only more slowing being added to the daily regimen. I need to find a better way!
   I haven't completely figured out what sets my daughter off, some days it could be the smallest thing... other times that same thing may not even phase her. I second guess my every move, knowing there is no room for errors. Am I doing this right, did I miss something, how can we handle the next step, what happens if I don't make the right choice???? The questions never stop flowing through my head. Maybe in some ways it has become an obsession, I just want to make sure I am making all the right decisions. I just keep reading, filling my brain with as much information as it can hold, hoping to find some answers.  Some days I wonder if I may fall apart! But there is no time for that, no room to wallow, no time for self pity. I feel like a machine, just keep pressing on! I keep telling myself we have made such great progress and soooo quickly... that's gotta count for something. I know it does!
All we ever want is the best for our children, especially when there seems to be so much at stake. I may have moments of weakness. I have days where I want to give up, but then I look @ my daughters beautiful big blue eyes and I know that everything I feel and do is worth it. I will NEVER give up, no matter how hard it gets. Love gives us more strength then we ever knew we had....  <3 <3 <3

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