Sunday, January 2, 2011

Well tomorrow is the day!

Tomorrow is the day I have been anticipating for the last 2 and a half months. Gabby has an appointment with a developmental pediatrician..... What the out come may be is unknown to me, I have been yanking my puzzle piece out of the puzzle with full force.  We have moved at an alarmingly fast rate. If you have read any of my previous blogs you already know I am taking the reins on the bio medical approach and running with it. I have spent a lot of time (a lot is an understatement) researching autism and the bio medical approach. I kept reading early intervention was best. I wasn't going to wait for some doctor to sit down with my child in three months to tell me she had autism, my autism classification from birth-three was all I needed to light a fire under me. I have my daughter on a gluten/casein free diet, I also have removed the artificial dyes, high fructose sugar, and processed food. I also learned that Gabby has food sensitives so I have also removed peanuts, soy, whole grains, and a few other things. We have started repairing the leaky gut,  decreasing the inflammation in her body, and restoring the over all natural balance.
Yesterday I put together a chart for the developmental pediatrician, to show when Gabby hit her developmental milestones and what interventions we have taken. As I was reading the forms and test results I was greatly surprised to see how much we have succeeded. Yes, I knew we were doing well; but to sit down and read the updates was extremely gratifying. Three months ago Gabby was having violent tantrums, was unable to emotional handle eye contact and had a 9 words vocabulary. As of today the tantrums are minimal, and eye contact doesn't send her in to head banging tantrums. Her vocabulary is still slightly delayed, but she now put 2-4 words together at a time. One could never grasp the extreme nature of this unless they have witnessed it first hand. Not in my wildest dreams did I think we would be where we are today. We have progressed so fast, I am not 100% sure if I will be able to get an autism diagnosis now. No matter what the out come is tomorrow I have no plans on stopping bio medical interventions. Some may think I have gotten a head of myself, but I beg to differ. Last week I missed two interval's of vitamins, and the tantrums  starting to return, and her speech became unclear. As crazy as this may sound, the slight set back made me realise what I am truly up against. The countless nights of Gabby not sleeping, her violent tantrums, her delayed speech were signs but when I missed those doses I knew that I had to continue on the bio medical path. I wish I could open a window into the past to show the world the degree of  how this has impacted our lives. In my moments of weakness I prayed for a miracle, begged for strength to continue on................... I believe I receive my miracle!

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