Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What comes next?

Life is a journey, and I wonder were it shall take us from here....

As I stated in my last post I have been giving Gabby back "normal" foods. I started doing this for two reasons, I wanted to see how much her gut has healed and sadly the cost of her diet is playing a toll on us. I have had no GI reactions, or skin irritations. What I have found is her sensory is slightly off now, and her ability to cope isn't as good, is this due to the diet or just normal everyday changes.... honestly I don't know. I am going to slowly back off food that are not allowed and see where that takes us.

I have been thinking a lot about the future, the next school year is slowly coming upon us and Gabby will be aging out of early intervention services in less then 5 months. The thoughts of this have overwhelmed me, I know Gabby will not qualify for the autism program (which is a positive) and I don't feel she is doing well enough for typical preschool. Her anxiety can become overwhelming, the foods, and dyes that will surround her I don't believe her body is ready to handle. I have been looking into Montessori schools, they have smaller class sizes and their way of teaching is right on target with the way Gabby learns best, so it's a win, win , right? No, the price of schooling is out of our budget, it's also about a 20 minute or more drive depending on the school. This is my plan, I want to start a fundraiser to help fund Gabby's education. Instead of putting Gabby into school this year I am going to home school her this would give me 1 year to raise the money.
 I also have been looking into an Ipad for her. I have never seen a child so involved in technology. She can work her DVD player, and anyone and every ones cell phone. It's bad when you have to ask your 2 year old to please stop downloading games because I am running out of memory! After she downloads her games she adds them to a  screen I gave her for her games. She also is able to watch home movies, and look at pictures without any help. She some how even managed to changed my password on me one day lol. I think the apps Apple has for autistic children would be great for her, and it would help aid her addiction ;)

So what comes next ...... tomorrow 

As much as I would love to prepare us for the future, I have to focus on taking life one step at a time and hope everything works out.

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