Monday, August 8, 2011


The weather is so unpredictable, one minute the sun is out the next it's raining..... Some times it even rains while the sun is out.  When you have a child on the spectrum, your whole life is like this. Things change and and are often not prepared for what many come next. You have two choices you can either choose to weather the storm or pack and prepare for everything that just might happen. I have taken on that approach. I may feel like some days the dark cloud is only over my house, but I am ready to take it on. We as a family have done anything and everything within our power to help Gabby. We have taken her to a developmental pediatrician, geneticist, cardiologist, radiologist, done sleep studies, holistic physician, diet changes, weighted blanket, we ever made a sensory room within our home. Next I would like to buy an ipad, try Montessori schooling and one day hope to do HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen therapy).  The possibilities are endless.....

I have not figured out how I am going to be able to do all this, but I will find a way. I can't sit back and weather the storm, I need to be in control of it, always prepping and preparing for what may come next. I will not allow a diagnosis to determine our fate... I am toooooo much of a control freak for that :)

There is an old saying no man is left behind... In family no one is left behind, we have come together as a unit and together we shall succeed, no matter what it may take!

This past weekend we went to visit family.... It began to rain. Gabby became anxious.... so her father took her and danced in the rain will her. This is one of the many reasons he is our hero!