Thursday, August 4, 2011

Do you believe?

What makes one a believer? Do you need to see it with your own eyes, hear it with your own ears, or is your intuition enough?
I know it is so hard for so many to grasp that a few holistic supplements and a diet can make such an amazing change in a person. As a write this I know how absurd it sounds, but it's true.... I have seen it, heard, and still have a hard time understanding it. Today is 5 days back on the supplements and diet. Eye contact is almost back to normal, behavior is improving and coping skills are increasing... I would be lying if I told you everything was perfect, but compared to a few days ago.. it's a  pretty drastic change. I can't guarantee everyone will have these results, but for us it has been a blessing. I believe we are heading back in the right direction. I have no guarantees of what tomorrow may bring, but for just a moment I take a sign of relief. I believe in love, dedication, determination, and Gabriella..... Therefore I believe the sky is our limit!

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